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CHERVON acquires German technology startup Calmdura GmbH
On March 19, 2015, Chervon signed the agreement to officially acquire Calmdura GmbH, which now becomes a new member of Chervon Group.
Headquartered in Frankfurt, Calmdura is a technology startup devoted to developing green-energy technologies. The company made its name with the Calmdura Universal Power Pack System, an ergonomic wearable li-ion battery pack which can power a wide range of tools for a full working day and beyond. Calmdura battery packs are widely adopted by municipal governments, public service departments and landscapers within the Germany speaking region because of its superior performance.
Chervon recently released its 56-Volt EGO POWER+ system, the first Lithium-Ion battery driven range of tools for use in the Lawn and Garden Tools industry with the power of gas. Chervon started collaborating with Calmdura since last November, and ultimately acquired the full ownership of Calmdura on March 19, 2015. Victor Fischer, founder of Calmdura, attended already the Chervon Annual Product Summit at the Chervon headquarters in Nanjing end of March, detailing the strategic collaboration plan between Calmdura and EGO in the near future.
Together with Calmdura, EGO shall seize more opportunities in the market across their respective sales channels and combining their product platforms – all in order to create another breakthrough in the segment of outdoor power equipment.