Environmental Protection
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CHERVON’s Green Roof

In 2004, we introduced this German roofing system and used it on our headquarter R&D buildings. It covers a roof area of approximately 7000 m2. Using green plants instead of traditional roof-covering materials achieves environmental benefits, as well as cost savings for heating and cooling. The plants that cover the roof provide excellent insulation to the building, reduce energy consumption significantly, and act as a filter for rainwater. 

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CHERVON's Blue Roof

To achieve the goals of energy-cost reduction and reducing harm to the environment, we are active in promoting solar power projects. Solar power offers a clean and renewable energy source. Using solar power for electricity can effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The 2 Megawatt (MW) roof photovoltaic power station in our CHERVON Industry Park can achieve power generation of about 2,000 megawatt hours/year, thereby saving up to 730 tons a year of standard coal. 

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Using the Earth to Save the Earth

The earth we live on provides us with ample resources; geothermal energy is one of them. It is environmentally clean and renewable. CHERVON’s Green Power Industry Park is equipped with an advanced ground-source heat-pump system to heat and cool buildings. Taking advantage of the stable and moderate temperature underground, the system uses the earth as a heat source in the winter and a heat sink in the summer. With these systems, we maintain a pleasant working environment that is warm in winter and cool in summer with lower operational costs, and without producing any emissions. This translates to a reduction of 839 tons of CO2 emissions per year.